Company Profile

Winter Overseas Education (WOE) was established in 2018. Based in Beijing, China and Manchester, UK (Register No.14649356), Winter has been engaging in study abroad service, education consulting and career guidance.

We have been providing overseas high-end applications and professional middle-end and back-end application services of the world top universities for students from all over the world. The co-founders are graduated from the world top universities with more than ten years of work experience. Our mission is to contribute to society by helping international students pursue the highest international education, study and research opportunities.

We have achieved remarkable results in helping students to receive admission offers of undergraduates, masters and doctorates from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore as well as European countries. We are also applying high-end service and AI tech to application services and education consulting to help students study abroad in the world top universities.

In conclusion, Winter Overseas Education is committed to provide students with opportunities for lifelong learning and strive to shape students’ global vision. If Winter comes, can offers be far behind?

Winter can help you go study abroad!

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